recycled textile wallcovering Jewel 

vertical stripe with a rich, multicoloured expression


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Like multifaceted gemstones, Jewel is animated by light. Its rich, multicoloured expression is further enlivened by its vertical stripe and irregularity. An industry innovation, Jewel is unique for its combination of two yarns: super-strong polyethylene tape yarn, which gives the textile wallcovering a shimmering effect and thus its name, and thin recycled polyester yarn, which introduces dynamic colour and contributes to a product with 18% recycled content.

Chic and sophisticated with a silky feel, Jewel puts a contemporary spin on luxury. With three different colours used in each of the 13 lively colourways, Jewel has a uniquely crafted textile look and a surprisingly strong, durable structure. Innovative engineering reduces the materials required for its production: because the polyester yarn brings in colour, fewer tape yarn colours are needed.

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"Animated by light, like multifaceted gemstones." 

recycled textile wallcovering Jewel

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